Saturday, 21 April 2012

Nanna arrives on the Murray

Everyone was excited to see Nanna/Mum/Rosetta yesterday morning the 20th of April...
Nanna and Nina have a cuddle

The grandkids, excited to see Nanna

After cuddles all round we left the Marina and headed back in the direction we had come from, for some more water skiing...
Nina knee boarding
Alessandro on the knee board

After the kids had their turns it was time for the adults that were game enough, to give it a shot.
Nanna & Nonno watch all the action

I had already put the roast on for dinner so was allowed to leave the kitchen  :-) for a kneeboard, it was lots of fun...
Sonia on the knee board 

 Leon then decided that if his sister could do it, so could he...
Leon on the knee board

Not as much class as his sister, naturally!

The kids then decided to make some of their own fun, creating a mud slide into the river...

The kids make a mud slide

Nina & Jack on the mud slide

After washing themselves off in the river, there was some downtime before dinner. Richard, Mum & I then hopped into the spa.

I left them around 9, Richard got mum onto the  beers (he is such a bad influence) and sometime a lot later, they'd caught up and decided it was time for bed.

This morning, Saturday the 21st of April, I was woken to sounds of the houseboat engines. Leon was up and decided to get an early start - destination Echuca.
The early morning view of the River

The sun rises on the Murray

Richard cooked a brekky of bacon, scrambled eggs and baked beans for everyone and we spent most of the day on the move, doing some trawling along the way.

The river traffic was a lot thicker today, being a Saturday, and after a  day of driving, we finally reached Echuca... crossing under the bridge which joins Victoria to New South Wales...
The bridge that joins NSW to Victoria 

More Beers, a good name for a houseboat

A house boat marina
The cabins we stayed in on the night we arrived in Echuca/Moama
The boys had set themselves up for a day on the punt, so needless to say, while Richard and Dad gambled on anything that moved, Leon was skipper.

The couple of times that Leon had left Richard and Dad in charge almost ended in disaster... but we managed to get out of each pickle without any damage.

Tonight, we are in Echuca and all went out for dinner at the Echuca Hotel. On the walk back to the houseboat we spotted this tree...
The kids under the thong tree

The thong tree

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