Monday, 8 October 2012

Gulf Country, Qld

Saturday the 6th of October and we were up early after hearing a shriek from Nina. She had ventured outside to check on the crazy crabs, brought back from the pub the night before, to find that they had all gone.
I figured some birds had had an early morning feast but after some detective work, Harry found their tracks... they had all escaped and made a run for it. Clever little beasts!!

All wide awake after that drama, we got up and began pottering over breakfast.
Richard chopped up some fresh vegetables we had brought in a roadside stall in the Atherton Tablelands, to make a beautiful pumpkin soup, while I cleaned the caravan.
It was really too hot to do too much other than stay inside the caravan in air-conditioned comfort, or go for a swim in the pool.

By mid afternoon, Richard took the boys and our neighbours, Fiona and her two boys in the tinny to pull in the crab nets. After the stress of the day before, I chose to stay behind and bake a chocolate cake with Nina and her friend Hannah.

They all arrived back after a couple of hours with one mud crab to add to the other solitary mud crab in the freezer, caught in Townsville.
Harry, Harry, Matthew & Jack ready to go mud crabbing

The boys look for crocs, heading down a creek system

Pulling in a mud crab

We are hoping to have enough for a feed sometime next year at this rate :-)

By late afternoon, Mark from next door was home from work, so he and Richard went off to the Tavern to place a few bets and have a cold beer or two.
We met the boys at the tavern in time to watch our second Karumba sunset and while the kids were kept entertained with the crazy crabs on the beach, we decided we'd all stay and have dinner.
The kids collecting crazy crabs on the beach

Jack, Harry, Harry, Matthew, Hannah & Nina

The front of the Sunset Tavern, Karumba Point

We returned back around 9ish, again with a tub full of crazy crabs which this time were concealed in a tight container to ensure no more escapes.
The kids all went to bed while the adults stayed up for a while longer, listening to music and chatting over a few drinks. Fiona and I retired well before the boys, who were intent on keeping the VB factory in operation.

Sunday the 7th of October, We all woke a little confused with no idea what the time was.
My watch had stopped the day before and because of daylight saving kicking in overnight, our iPhones were just as confused as us.
Richard and I got up and rode our pushbikes to the coffee shop before heading back to put the tinny in the water so all the boys could go out and pull the cab nets.
Heading out mud crabbing

The boys hit the Gulf

I stayed behind with Nina, Fiona and Hannah.

The boys were back before too long, it was hot, again with very little to show for their efforts... Richard and Jack then went out alone for a fish and 5 cat fish later, they were back, smelly and still fish less (you can't eat cat fish)
Nina & Hannah

The kids all play lego outside the caravan

By mid afternoon Richard and Jack went to the tavern to watch a horse race, and after Harry, Nina and I had finished and afternoon of cooking, swimming and washing clothes, we rode our push bikes to the pub to meet the boys.

We watched our last Karumba sunset.....

Our last Karumba sunset

 ....while chatting to some more caravan park neighbours before heading back to the caravan for some barra, chips and salad, thanks to the local take away place.
This morning, Richard and I took an early morning walk before packing up and saying goodbye to the Bowden family.
Thanks for your company guys and the goodbye coffee, it has been a pleasure and we look forward to catching up when we all settle back home.

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